[General]영대 강의 영상 가이드_EN

7 more properties
★Translation Qualities to Prioritize
Is it clear?
Is it concise?
Is it easy to understand?
Is it consistent?
1) Character count:
While the general rule is to limit each line to 21 characters, it may be possible to exceed this limit to some extent depending on the content of the text. However, please keep the maximum number of characters per line to 25.
2) Line count:
Stick to one line.
3) Special characters:
Please consult the table below for permitted characters.
X: Not allowed
O: Allowed
ᅀ: Situation-dependent (refer to the table for details)
부호 가이드
부호 형태
사용 여부
1.Use full-width question marks for interrogative sentences as necessary. 2.When using two or more symbols, use half-width symbols. For example, use "??/!?" instead of "??/!?”
1.Use full-length exclamation marks when necessary, depending on the situation. 2.When using two or more symbols, use half-width symbols. For example, use "!!/!?" instead of "!!/!?".
Replace it with a half-width space.
1.Replace it with a half-width space. 2.When indicating a specific time (e.g. 10:10), use half-width symbols and separate the hour and minute with a half-width space.
「」 『』
1.Use full-width symbols 2.Use it to indicate emphasis, quotation, or special meaning.
1.Use it when describing proper nouns. 2.Use it when inserting essential content. 3.Use full-width symbols for all purposes in (1) and (2).
앞 내용 설명할 때 사용
반각(…) 사용 금지. 전각(⋯) 在中文輸入法全型或半型狀態,點「 Shift +注音ㄦ鍵」,在下拉選單中選擇第7項刪節符號
1.화자가 다른 경우에 사용 2.반각 하이픈 사용 3.하이픈 기호 앞뒤에 문자가 붙는 경우 반각 공백 삽입. - 你好 → O -你好 → X
서양인의 이름을 표기할 때 반각 가운뎃점 사용
영화와 책 제목을 언급할 때 전각 책이름표 사용
4) Spaces
Avoid inserting spaces at the beginning and end of subtitles
5) Proper nouns
If you do not have a frequently used Chinese character name, there are two ways to write it. It is recommended to write real situations such as experts, books, and movie titles in English. However, in the case of fictional characters, cities, schools, and company names, it is recommended to use traditional Chinese (Taiwan) names borrowed from Chinese characters with the same single sound. Example: Peter → 彼得
Nicknames need translation only when they express a specific meaning.
Use specific translations for specific historical/mythological figures. Example: Santa Claus = 聖誕老人
6) Continuity
Do not use dashes/ellipsis when splitting the same passage during two or more consecutive scenes.
Subtitle 1 我需要知道 Subtitle 2 發生了什麼事
7) Translation Style
Use correct Traditional Chinese (Taiwanese) vocabulary and expressions as conveying information is paramount
(Use abbreviations, neologisms, etc. appropriately)
b. brevity
The translation should be concise considering the characteristics of the video and the language habits of Taiwanese.
(It seems the most appropriate to translate based on the basic structure of subject + predicate + object. It would be better to avoid complex cases where the same words are repeated or there are many modifiers in front of nouns)
8) Unity
It must be translated in a tone suitable for the subject and genre of the video and must be consistent. (Example: Avoid mixing difficult written and spoken words in entertainment videos. Avoid using abbreviations or new words in historical dramas.)
Key terms, names of people, place names, etc. are used unified within one subtitle or within a series.
9) Overtranslation
Appropriate paraphrasing that can be well connected with the preceding and following content is allowed, but there must be no paraphrasing that is too far out of the existing content and difficult to understand.
b. skip
Lines that do not affect the overall content can be omitted. However, omissions should not cause problems such as incomprehensibility or grammatical errors.
c. addition
Do not add content that is not present in the original content, except for linking words and descriptions that must be present.
10)  Content
Do not omit, add or change the contents of the original text
Properly paraphrase words/proverbs that are difficult or impossible to translate. Do not open parentheses and provide an extra explanation.
Translation annotation is prohibited, except for unavoidable situations during translation.
Use half-width numbers instead of full-width numbers.
예: 23歲 → O
23歲 → X
h. When cross-translating between English and numbers, insert half-width spaces before and after numbers/English.
예:  我有 10 支 iPhone 手機 → O
我有10支iPhone手機 → X
11)  Final Check
Classification of Traditional/Simplified Chinese
Basic grammatical errors and misspelling checkable site links (for reference only, check results may be incorrect))
i. 作文錯別字自動批改系統 (實驗性系統): https://coct.naer.edu.tw/spcheck/
ii. 中文錯字偵測系統:http://sunlight.iis.sinica.edu.tw/spcheck/