1.Use full-width question marks for interrogative sentences as necessary.
2.When using two or more symbols, use half-width symbols. For example, use "??/!?" instead of "??/!?”
1.Use full-length exclamation marks when necessary, depending on the situation.
2.When using two or more symbols, use half-width symbols. For example, use "!!/!?" instead of "!!/!?".
Replace it with a half-width space.
1.Replace it with a half-width space.
2.When indicating a specific time (e.g. 10:10), use half-width symbols and separate the hour and minute with a half-width space.
1.Use full-width symbols
2.Use it to indicate emphasis, quotation, or special meaning.
1.Use it when describing proper nouns.
2.Use it when inserting essential content.
3.Use full-width symbols for all purposes in (1) and (2).
반각(…) 사용 금지.
在中文輸入法全型或半型狀態,點「 Shift +注音ㄦ鍵」,在下拉選單中選擇第7項刪節符號
1.화자가 다른 경우에 사용
2.반각 하이픈 사용
3.하이픈 기호 앞뒤에 문자가 붙는 경우 반각 공백 삽입.
- 你好 → O
-你好 → X
서양인의 이름을 표기할 때 반각 가운뎃점 사용
영화와 책 제목을 언급할 때 전각 책이름표 사용